Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Goodbye Utah, Hello Yellowstone

Before starting our long drive to Boston, we took a weekend in Yellowstone with Jeff's parents and sister's family. What a beautiful place!

Check out the rack on this bull elk. Massive!

Old Faithful

Jeff's dad took this photo. So majestic.

The Yellowstone Grand Canyon
It was wonderful to see this amazing national park. We also spent an evening in West Yellowstone where we saw Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the Playmill theatre. It was a great show and a fun atmosphere!

We stayed at Jeff's great aunt's cabin in Island Park. It was fun to spend time with some of our family before taking off for the East Coast.

Playing pool at the cabin.

Baby Davis

Walking through West Yellowstone with Mindy and Nick.

Jeff' has been growing out his beard for a month or so. Can't tell where the beard ends and the hat begins.

We had fun!

1 comment:

  1. your camera took such great pictures!! :)makes such a difference!
