Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Friday, September 27, 2013

Day Trip to Maine

We spent the day in Maine and New Hampshire! I have always wanted to go to Maine. And although we only spent time in Kittery, a small town that is barely across the border of the state, we enjoyed our time there and definitely plan to return to visit the beaches and see more of its coastal towns. We're in the market for some New England winter coats, so we drove to Kittery to visit the outlet mall there.

The only lighthouse we saw was attached to this restaurant.

Next time we go to Maine we'll try to find a real lighthouse! The drive was really pretty though. We took the scenic route on the way home down the coast of New Hampshire. It was gorgeous.

There was a stretch of road where every house was AMAZING. There weren't a lot of places to pull over, otherwise I would have taken more photos of these coastal mansions, but I managed to snap a couple from the car . . .

We'll be making this drive again as soon as we can!


  1. Wow! What a beautiful place. Great pictures!

  2. SUCH pretty pictures!! I love the clouds. and maybe Delawarde Court should be in Maine.... in those gigantic beautiful houses. Just sayin. :)

  3. These pictures are GORGEOUS! what are your secrets? I'm like a photographer newbie and need help...any suggestions?

    Also, us east coasters need to get together soon :)

  4. Wow I only just saw all of these comments, and now I'm finally replying. Thanks everyone! In answer to your question Bri, we are photography newbies too and are still learning how to use our DSLR. But we have learned a few things that have made a difference in our pictures. First, we've been learning how to shoot in manual which allows you to control the exposure and shutter speed of your camera. Once we started shooting in manual we saw a big improvement in many of our pictures. Second, lighting is key - there was some perfect cloud coverage the day we took these pictures, and the sun was setting which made it easier to capture the vibrant colors.

    If you still have your camera's manual it's a good place to start as far as learning how to use its features like manual and aperture. There are also plenty of websites with helpful tips:,

    We're still learning and definitely have lots of room for improvement but it's been fun to get more familiar with our camera settings and try things out. Anyway, I totally agree that we need to get together soon. Jeff and I would love to come visit you in Delaware sometime. His busy season is coming up (Jan-March) but after that we'll book some vacation time and see if we can't come your way : )
