Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Harry Potter and the Boston Book Club

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love Harry Potter. Ever since I was eleven years old and discovered my first copy of Harry Potter at a scholastic book fair, I have been Harry Potter's #1 fan. One of my friends from my study abroad in Wales started a book club specifically for re-reading the Harry Potter series and has been throwing totally awesome Potter book club discussions/parties for the past year. Unfortunately this friend lives in Utah and I have enviously eyed pictures of these events on facebook wishing that I could be part of such awesomeness. Sigh.

For a long time I thought, why don't I start my own Harry Potter book club? And for a long time it was just a thought. BUT, Jeff and I finally reached the point where we knew enough people on this side of the country to invite to participate in such a venture, and I finally got the gumption to do it. I sent out some emails, and got a good enough response to start a reading group. Thus was born the Harry Potter Boston Book Club!

July was our trial month. I put together a reading guide and everyone in the group read Sorcerer's Stone. We had our very first meeting on July 31st (in honor of Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling's birthdays) and had a magical time. We dug into the book and discussed deep topics such as:

  • "How do Harry's Aunt and Uncle live with themselves?"
  • "How did you pronounce character names the first time you read Harry Potter? Hermy-own anyone?
  • "How does the Ministry of Magic track who is magical and know who to admit to Hogwarts even if they don't come from wizarding families (like Hermione or Lily Potter)?"
  • "What's up with the points system at Hogwarts?! It's so subjective and the Hogwarts teachers can totally rig the system."
  • "Which Hogwarts House best represents each "Big Four" Accounting Firm?"

It was fun to get different insights into various parts of the book and to hear everyone's favorite parts of the story. It totally took me back to the days when the books and movies were being released for the first time and my excitement and passion for Harry Potter was rekindled. Glad I have an awesome husband and good friends who are willing to share in this kind of fun : )

Our first meeting was a success!

By the way, everyone is welcome to join the Harry Potter Boston Book Club, even if you don't live nearby. We are now moving on to Chamber of Secrets and will be holding another meeting at the end of August! Let me know if you're interested. Here's to many months of happy Harry Potter reading! Let the Magic begin!

1 comment:

  1. My niece is a huge HP fan but she is leaving on Sunday or she'd love to be in your book club!
