Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Yoga & Baseball

I started a new job this week! I am now a Program Coordinator for an after-school program in Newton, MA and it's full time and salaried and legit and I'm super stoked. I spent some time getting to know and working with the director and two other program coordinators this week and they seem like they will all be great to work with, which bodes well. Anyway, I'm sure I will have more to tell about this new position in forthcoming weeks and months, but for now I'll just mention how Jeff surprised me on my first day home from the job.

I hadn't seen Jeff all day since I went to a yoga class by the Charles River right after work. My friends Mary and Danielle suggested we try it out and I was all for it! Yoga outdoors on a beautiful summer evening with views of the Boston skyline and river?? Yes, please! The class was awesome and it couldn't have been a better yoga venue. 

So I finally got home later in the evening and Jeff says he has a surprise for completing my first day at the new job. He pulled out an envelope and inside it were two tickets to Saturday's Red Sox game! Earlier that day he had won a triva contest at work and earned these sweet tickets, loge box seats right behind the first-base dugout. What a champ! I can't believe he was able to keep that a secret all day. 

So to the ballpark we went on a fine saturday afternoon; we discovered that day games are really just the best in late summer. Our seats were great, the weather was great, and although the Red Sox didn't play so great after the 4th inning we had a lovely time enjoying the sites and sounds of the ballgame and spending the afternoon together. 

Brought my mitt just in case. Didn't catch a ball today, but we got a few foul balls in our section!

Great seats

After the game we took our time leaving Fenway and decided to walk through the city rather than getting on a stuffy subway car for an extra five stops. We walked all the way down Commonwealth Ave and through the public garden before hopping on the train at Park Street. What a way to take in the city. I want to stroll down Comm Ave every day; can't wait to walk it during the fall months. 

Love this place.


  1. what a fun day!!! and awesome seats! also I love your hair that color!

  2. Congrats on your new job! That's so awesome!!! Also, I love your yoga in the park. Yoga is seriously. the. best. p.s. i wish i coulda gone to that hp book party you had.... my muggle soul hungered for some wizardry after reading that post! love you guys!
