Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Work Parties

I've got to say since moving to Utah, we have had some of the best work parties we've ever been to. We'll start with my job. We had two parties. The first was a casual day time party on campus. I got to help with the final preparations which was fun. We made a couple of trips to Costco and helped decorate for a Grinch themed celebration. We had Grinch Kebabs and a white elephant gift exchange, it was fun!

Later that week we had a more formal party to which we could invite significant others. It was held in the Hinkley Ballroom in the Alumni Center which was decorated beautifully. There was a live jazz band, great food, and a fun game of Christmas movie trivia at the end. It was fun to introduce Jeff to my coworkers and to have a nice evening out together.

Jeff's work party was a whole different ballpark. Everyone in his office got a formal invitation sent to their desk saying the event would be a black tie affair at the Grand America hotel in Salt Lake. DOMO even paid for employees to rent tuxes or get dresses if they wanted. Jeff was smart and had one of his own suits altered to fit like a glove. I have to say, it was fun dressing up and going out for a fancy night in the city. The pictures do a sufficient job of explaining how extravagant the event was.

It was red carpet style when we walked in (only white carpet), with photographers waiting to take our picture before we were seated in the ballroom. There are apparently a lot of DOMO employees, because this place was packed, and there were a lot of tables! 

One of Jeff's coworkers had reserved two tables for the finance department, so we were able to sit by the people Jeff was familiar with and meet their spouses. We had a three course meal, followed by a presentation of the companies successes in 2015 given by the CEO. Then there was an awards ceremony where employees from each of the departments was recognized and given large sums of money (it was kind of unreal), and the night ended with the employee made music video awards, because apparently that's a thing. The music videos were really impressive as far as the quality and the amount of costumes that went into them. We didn't get home until 1:30am, but it was the most entertaining and enjoyable party we've attended for Jeff's job. Well done, DOMO, you figured out how to make corporate parties not boring and awkward. Here's to the holiday season!

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