Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Farewell Roberts

The day is upon us that our dear friends Jared and Kelsie have moved. They are driving to Michigan as we speak! They have been the best friends anyone could ask for and we will truly miss them. 

We got them a little farewell gift to make them feel at home when they arrived in Michigan.

You guys will love it there!

Last picture in front of the Delawarde Apts. One day we will all live in the same cul-de-sac and name it Delawarde Court.
Dinner at Gurus, so Kelsie could savor those sweet potato fries one more time.
We miss these  two!

Eating dessert outside on a lovely summer evening.

We thought Monday night would be our last time seeing the Roberts before they left. But fate intervened and we had one last hurrah the next night! They were staying with Kelsie's parents near Salt Lake, so we met up at this cute little neighborhood custard shop on Tuesday night.

Caitie works at the children's hospital in Salt Lake City, and we brought Nate with us so we could all say a final farewell to the Roberts. Kind of ironic that we chose to meet up with her at the University of Utah, when we are all BYU students. But it was a convenient location and time was running short before the Roberts had to get back home to their family and to prepare for their early drive the next morning.

Just as we were setting up to take a picture of the six of us, our camera battery went completely dead. We tried to take one on Jared's phone but it just wasn't turning out. We were devastated. We had to get one more picture all together! Then a miracle happened. A family pulled into the same parking lot as us and Kelsie ran over and asked them if they would take a picture for us using one of our phones. The man who came over just happened to have camera that was very similar to ours and it also had the same battery! We swapped our battery out and he let us use his to get our picture. He even took it for us! We were so grateful and gave him many thanks before the family left. We have no idea why they pulled in to that parking lot because they left immediately after taking the picture for us, but I'm pretty sure they were angels, sent to help the camera-less in need. We got our picture after all!

So happy we could all get together once last time and say a proper goodbye!

B.F.F.'s for life! One day we will all live in the same place again and our kids will play together : )

Drive safe Jared and Kelsie! We miss you already and will visit you soon!

1 comment:

  1. aw. such a happy-sad post! happy for all the good times and so sad they are gone! so glad we got our last pictures!
