Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The One Where Jeff Turns 26

Now that Jeff is an accountant, the fact that his birthday falls on Tax Day is all the more significant to us. It marks the end of busy season for many in the accounting world and it signifies the coming of spring vacations and all that is warm and relaxing and good in the world. This year we kind of celebrated Jeff's birthday sporadically throughout the month, and specifically during the weekend prior to his birthday.

The main thing we did for his birthday was go to a New England Revolution soccer match. Luckily for us, the game was on the most beautiful Saturday afternoon and we relished the nice weather. The whole living through New England winters thing has thickened our blood or something because it was 70 degrees on the day of the game and we were sitting there in t-shirts sweating and feeling like it was 90.

Spring weather never felt so warm and good.


Mom sent us some Easter treats from the candy store, we brought them to the game to snack on. 

The Peachy Penguins came in handy for playing with the camera's focus.

Just after they scored. Rev's won 2-0!

We also of course made cinnamon rolls - Jeff's favorite. 

My family also sent an Edible Arrangement to him at work. What a fun surprise!

And for his birthday cake, Jeff chose the Black and White Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake that we discovered at Costco. A tasty choice!

Birthday boy with his birthday cake.

Happy Birthday Jeff. You're just the best!

Monday, April 7, 2014


We did it. We completed a full round of P90X-3. Six workouts a week, thirty minutes per day, for ninety days without missing a workout! The workouts were fun and hard and we enjoyed doing them together each morning. Here are some of our before and after photos.

This is the first time in my life that I've consistently stuck to a workout routine. During the past three months, we didn't go on a diet, but we made a conscious decision to eat much less fast food and to track the food we ate on My Fitness Pal. Exercising regularly and eating healthier just go hand in hand. As soon as we started this routine our bodies craved more wholesome, filling food. That's not to say we didn't have hankerings for sweet treats anymore; we certainly had our share of desserts (although we've been using healthier alternative recipes when we bake things at home). It has however been easier to choose healthier options because our bodies don't crave greasy, sugary things all the time. Now that we completed our 90 days, we're just going to start another round. Can't let all of our gains go towards nothing. Now it's about exercising and eating for life. Bring it!