Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mates of State Boston Concert

Last week I took an earlier bus than usual to work and I had time to pick up a local newspaper and read it before my coworker picked me up for HappyFeet. While browsing through the paper I discovered that the band Mates of State was going to be playing in Boston that very weekend! 

Jeff and I discovered Mates of State back in 2010 when we attended REDFEST at the University of Utah. The lineup for that particular REDFEST concert was Ben Lee, fun., and Mates of State, and at the time we didn't appreciate just how awesome that was. Jeff had to attend an accounting dinner that same night, but we figured we could still catch the big bands of the concert with plenty of time to spare. To our everlasting regret we missed both Ben Lee and fun. We did however get there in time to see the last band of the evening, Mates of State (who we knew very little about). They turned out to be awesome and extremely fun to watch live.

Still have the ticket. Still stings to know that we missed most of this concert.

We ended up listening to Mates of State a lot after this concert and liked them more and more. We still listen to them all the time. We even made their song Like U Crazy our wedding song, and fully intended to dance to it for our "first dance" if only the music system had worked properly. But that's another story for another time. Zoom ahead to March of 2014 and me discovering that Mates of State was coming to Boston. I immediately texted Jeff and we decided to go!

It was such an intimate venue, and this made it all the more enjoyable. By the time the concert started it was a full house.

The concert was amazing. It was played in the David Friend Recital Hall at Berklee College of Music which was so intimate. Instead of standing, everyone was seated as if listening to a performance in a coffee house, tapping their toes and bobbing their heads to the music. We thought it was different to say the least, but we got to sit on the front row less than ten feet from the musicians and the sound was incredible. Wish they would have been recording the whole thing; both bands sounded so good live.

Golden Bloom opened for Mates of State and they were also really good. We bought their CD after the show.

Kori Gardener on the baby grand.

Jason Hammel on the drums.

They sounded so good!

The band came back on stage for an encore and they played our song, Like U Crazy! It was the perfect ending to the perfect concert. We both absolutely loved it and even had the chance to thank Kori Gardener afterward for coming to Boston and for choosing to sing that song as the encore. It was a good night in Beantown for the Mannings : )


  1. Aw! Seriously who gets to hear their wedding song played to them personally?!? Love it.

  2. Yeah haha it was awesome. I was a little sad that they hadn't played "our song" during the concert and when they came out for the encore I was really hoping they might do it...and they did! It was magical lol.
