Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Business Trip to Minnesota

For the second half of summer I am teaching in the Minneapolis area! The company flies me out on Thursday morning and I teach ten classes before flying home on Sunday evening.

I took the Frontrunner to the airport. Very convenient!

This first week involved a lot of adjustments (getting familiar with a new area, finding my teaching sites, starting over with a new group of students, and traveling alone was a little exhausting) but overall I am really excited to be working here. I have met so many nice people and have enjoyed being in a new part of the country. It's so green here! Trees and lakes EVERYWHERE. Saturday night after teaching classes all day I grabbed some dinner and decided to enjoy it outside. I found this lovely waterfront where people were paddle boating, fishing, and playing mini golf on this awesome real grass course.

There was even a lawn area for playing crochet.

My fancy rental car.

I had fun driving this baby around.

My first teaching site was at the Chanhassen (pronounced Chan-hass-in) Recreation Center. 

I wish I could have snapped photos as I was driving to and from my teaching sites. Everywhere I went was so scenic with green rolling hills and it seemed like there was a new lake around every turn. I'll be coming back to Minneapolis four more times this summer. Hopefully I will be able to do some more site seeing in the upcoming weeks! 

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