Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Home From Work, Time to Play

First off, Jeff is the best. I got home from Minneapolis late on Sunday and he was waiting to greet me. I was excited to share the treat I had purchased for him during my first visit to the Mall of America, some miniature peeps from the Peep store (there is a store devoted entirely to the delicious marshmallow Easter treat at the Mall of America)! But more on the M.O.A. later.

I gave Jeff his bag of peeps, but little did I know he had a surprise for me too. He excitedly proceeded to pull out three wrapped boxes and presented them to me. Voila! The camera we planned on getting as a graduation gift! We were waiting for the camera to go on sale before making the big purchase, and this week Jeff came across just the sale, did some research, and surprised me with it! Like I said, he's the best. So we've been taking lots of photos and tinkering around with our new toy.

It's finally starting to hit us that we'll be leaving Provo soon and won't be near the friends we made here anymore. Jared and Kelsie are also moving to Michigan next week, so we and the Stewarts went out to dinner with them at one of our favorite places to eat in Utah - Art City Trolley. Jeff and I first went there on Valentine's Day and we've been back on several occasions since then with friends and family.

February 2013
Valentine's Lunch 2013
Valentine's Lunch 2013
When mom and grandpa & grandma Korver came to visit in March.
My 24th birthday dinner with the gang!
It seemed like the proper place to go for one of our last nights all together. We all hopped in the car and headed to Springville!

It was such a beautiful, cool, summer evening so we ate on the patio this time.

Dinner with buddies.

We're going to miss these kids when we leave this place. But we have lots of great memories to take with us!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Business Trip to Minnesota

For the second half of summer I am teaching in the Minneapolis area! The company flies me out on Thursday morning and I teach ten classes before flying home on Sunday evening.

I took the Frontrunner to the airport. Very convenient!

This first week involved a lot of adjustments (getting familiar with a new area, finding my teaching sites, starting over with a new group of students, and traveling alone was a little exhausting) but overall I am really excited to be working here. I have met so many nice people and have enjoyed being in a new part of the country. It's so green here! Trees and lakes EVERYWHERE. Saturday night after teaching classes all day I grabbed some dinner and decided to enjoy it outside. I found this lovely waterfront where people were paddle boating, fishing, and playing mini golf on this awesome real grass course.

There was even a lawn area for playing crochet.

My fancy rental car.

I had fun driving this baby around.

My first teaching site was at the Chanhassen (pronounced Chan-hass-in) Recreation Center. 

I wish I could have snapped photos as I was driving to and from my teaching sites. Everywhere I went was so scenic with green rolling hills and it seemed like there was a new lake around every turn. I'll be coming back to Minneapolis four more times this summer. Hopefully I will be able to do some more site seeing in the upcoming weeks! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Blog Space

Welcome to our new blog page! I decided to move to Blogger for the unlimited uploading space. Hopefully now I will be able to post as many pictures and/or videos as I want. We've listed our old blog as a link on the sidebar to save all of our previous posts. So if you're still reading, thanks for sticking with us. Here's to happy blogging!