Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Saturday, January 30, 2016

DOMO Snowshoeing

Jeff's boss, Brannen started a fun tradition of taking the guys in the finance department snow shoeing on friday mornings before work. They've gone a few times now and Jeff has loved it! He's learned more about the trails nearby and where to find the best views. Here are some photos from Jeff's early morning snow shoe adventures:

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Years Eve 2015

We had to come home on the 29th of December for work, at least I did. Jeff was off for DOMO Happy Holidays until January 4th, lucky guy. But we had some dear friends in town that we were able to spend New Years with!

Jared and Kelsey were in town visiting family and we had a great time catching up with them! Jared hung out with Jeff on one of the days I was still working, and they visited me for lunch. We decided to eat at J-Dawgs for old times sake.

On New Year's Eve we drove up to Murray where Jared and Kelsey were staying with her family. Kelsey and I went shopping and had a great time looking for rugs, comfy chairs, and famous ice slushies. We may be crazy to get Italian ice in the dead of winter, but fortunately we had a big fireplace to eat them by when we got home.

That night we met up with Nate and Caitie for dinner at Cafe Rio, and partying at the Stewarts' house in Cedar Hills. 

Kelsie and Trey
 When midnight struck we shot confetti canons off of the Stewarts balcony. Then we played boards games into the night. It was great to be with some of our favorite people. Happy New Year to all!

Here's to a fantastic 2016!

Christmas 2015

Now that we're back west we're on our holiday rotation again. This year was technically Jeff's family's year for Christmas. Even though we gathered in Bear Lake over the summer so that no one would feel obligated to travel to Idaho Falls for Christmas, we couldn't resist. Here's a few of the highlights from our short but sweet Christmas with the Mannings:

1) Visited the Museum of Idaho to see the gingerbread house and nativity displays:

I really liked the fluffy little sheep in this nativity.

2) Painted cookies. You heard me right. Painted. As in with paintbrushes and icing.

3) Facetimed my family. No Christmas is complete without Allie getting a large pair of ginch from the Grinch. He outdid himself this year!

4) Gift exchange - Mindy made us these awesome advent calendar stockings! We love them!

Gag gift for Paul. It's the perfect size. Right?

5) Christmas Pull-Aparts!

A christmas morning tradition

6) Test drove some sweet cars:

We went to the subaru dealership to drive a Forrester and an Outback. Both were super nice! One day we might need a new car and we want to know our options : )

And then Jeff's dad took us to the BMW dealership. Ain't she a beauty? 
It was fun to test drive the cars in the snow. I'm ipmressed they had all of the cars cleaned off and spiffed up, it had just snowed 4 inches the night before!

7) Celebrate December Birthdays - two of our nieces have birthdays right after Christmas. We went to Garcias to celebrate! I love that place!

Birthday sombreros and fried ice cream for the girls. They weren't so sure about the singing haha

Merry Christmas!