Boat & Sea

Boat & Sea

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas in Idahohoho

This year found in Boise with my side of the family for Christmas. We arrived in Boise around noon on Christmas Eve and had a full day. My family just opened another candy shop in downtown Boise! So their December was largely focused on getting the building in order, and starting their new business. As a result there was some last minute christmas prep to be done when we arrived. We learned that both of my sisters were planning to spend the evening with their boyfriends' families. So Jeff and I spent the day trying to keep up with my mom. We ran (literally) through the mall, tagged along as she went grocery shopping, stole into the candy store after hours - much like the Grinch - and took all of the christmas decorations so we could have some at the house. My brothers had driven down from Oregon and arrived that evening, and we did get to spend a little time with them in between all of the busyness. We finished the night off by wrapping gifts before watching 20 minutes of A Christmas Story and going to bed.  It was a bit unconventional and a little crazy, but it was still a memorable Christmas eve. 

mom and the freshly groomed christmas pooch

Christmas morning came and I was the first one to wake up! I'm pretty sure it was nine o'clock by then, so not really early by any means. No one had touched their stocking yet. The only other creature that was stirring was our dog, Tiny Pal. I took him for a christmas morning walk and it was really pleasant and peaceful crunching through the snow with a tiny white pooch who was so happy to be outside. When I got back to the house my mom asked if Jeff and I wouldn't mind running to the candy store and picking out some sweets to stuff into some stockings for my sister's boyfriend and roommate who were going to be joining us for christmas. We also needed to pick up some gift cards for them. Jeff and I agreed to go on this secret elf mission. After apologizing to the cashier at Walgreens for bringing business to her store on Christmas morning we returned in time to finish wrapping some additional presents that had been forgotten in all of the hubub, stuff the additional stockings, and settle in around the christmas tree. By the time we started opening presents it was one or two in the afternoon, a record for me and my siblings. I don't think we've ever waited that long to open presents. But I suppose things change once the little kids turn into teenagers and sleep becomes the priority. 

we all love this little dog so much

Anyway once we actually sat down and caught our breath Christmas day turned out pretty nice. We had a fun time passing gifts around the circle and watching each other open them. My brother Brady pulled a prank on our brother Joel that made us all laugh. He wrapped a box up and placed it under the tree with a gift tag that said, "To: Joel" and on the bottom it read "From Dump it to Krumpit". We were taking turns opening presents and when Joel was handed this gift he opened it only to find that it was full of crumpled up trash/paper! We all got a good laugh out of that. Brady made up for his little joke by giving Joel and awesome Chelsea soccer jersey the next time the presents came around to him. We all felt very merry during that Christmas afternoon around the tree.

dump it to krumpit trash gift

Melissa and Trevor

Jeff got a nice running jacket from Miss

boots with the fur

An added bonus was that Bob let us drive his truck to Utah for the weekend so we could visit some of our college friends. It was wonderful to see Nate and Caitie again and to meet little Trey in person. He's adorable! We wanted to leave our mark as auntie Sam and Uncle Jeff and I think we accomplished it. I have the claim to fame of being the first one to get Trey to giggle - quite the honor! And Jeff put in some good training time with the little champ teaching him how to roll over. Trey is bound to remember us : ) 

Jeff and a smiley Trey

We also got to see David and Tanis and their girls and spent a nice afternoon dining at Cafe Rio, our favorite Provo restaurant, and visiting our Alma Mater. We are lucky to have such good friends near and far and feel blessed to have had the opportunity to visit with some of them over the break.

snow covered BYU campus

We returned to Boise after the weekend in Utah and had a fun New Year's Eve together! It was Joel's 18th birthday so we had a fiesta party and watched the Boise state Fiesta Bowl, which the Broncos won! Things were pretty crazy in the house every time BSU made a play. To celebrate Joel's special day we took him outside and fired confetti canons around him and then let him whack a pinata filled with hi-chews (the tastiest candy ever!). We ended the night with an ice cream cake and pumpkin pie - Joel's favorite. 

Happy Birthday Joel!

We also spent New Year's Day making some fun Harry Potter wands. The boys really got into it! 

It was great to spend time with my family and see all of my siblings. They are growing up so fast! We love you guys and can't wait to see you again soon! Here's to a wonderful 2015!